On March 16, within the framework of the Big Open Dialogue forum, an agreement on cooperation in the field of tourism was signed between the Department for the Development of Tourism and the Hospitality Industry of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Development Corporation of Sverdlovsk region.
In the presence of the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Dmitry Ionin, the document was signed by the Director of the Department for Tourism Development Elmira Tukanova and Acting Director General of the Corporation for the Development of the Middle Urals Igor Vizgin.
"Now domestic tourism is an opportunity. Today, people will be looking for vacation options within the country, respectively, our task is to develop infrastructure. Today there are preferential loans from the Federal Tourism Agency, there is a possibility of co-financing projects from the Tourism Corporation.Of the Russian Federation, there is a zero VAT for accommodation facilities," Dmitry Ionin said.
The agreement will contribute to the formation of the brand of the Sverdlovsk region as a territory where tourism is actively developing.
"Within the framework of the agreement, together with the Department for Tourism Development, we will conduct a dialogue with potential investors and consider various mechanisms for entering the project. One of the possible forms of interaction with investors may be a model of public-private partnership. We have all the necessary competencies for structuring such projects," Igor Vizgin emphasised.